A great way to give back is to help animals in your community. From farm animals to your local shelter, even our biggest and smallest four-legged and feathered friends need a little tender love and care.
Supporting animals may seem
like a big task, but the smallest actions can make a big difference to these special creatures.
Our Difference Maker Fund (DMF) allows Members to receive $200 for a volunteer project for the cause of their choice. Here are three
members helping animals through this fund and their volunteerism.
- Member Nicole Shaver
Member Nicole Shaver of Arizona utilized funds to purchase Kuranda Cat & Dog Beds®. Along with her project volunteers, Nicole shopped for the shelter-ready beds, built them, and then delivered them to the Animals Benefit Club. - Member Andrea Gibbon
The FLUFF Animal Rescue hosts a summer program for 11 to 15-year-olds interested in animal conservation each year. Member Andrea Gibbon used the DMF program to boost the impact of this program.
The Difference Maker Fund grant reduces our program costs,” says Andrea. “The funds were used to purchase project materials such as paint, poster boards, stencils, rocks, and materials to make hand-made dog/cat toys.
FLUFF brings in experts across the board, from Pinellas County Animal Services to Seaside Seabird Sanctuary, during the summer program. The organization provides an overall picture of how the community can work together to save the animals. - Member Jodie Barton
We couldn’t forget about our larger, four-legged friends either! New Kingdom Trailriders, located in Sherrard, Ill, empowers individuals of all ages and abilities to reach their full potential through equine-assisted activities. Member Jodie Barton is well-known at NKTR for her volunteerism and love of horses.
Last year the organization hosted a horse show fundraiser. As an event lead volunteer, Jodie applied for our DMF program to boost her impact. She used the funds to help offset the costs associated with this volunteer project. Thanks to volunteers like Jodie, the organization can use the funds raised to care for the horses so they are in the best mental and physical shape to support the program participants.
Ready to apply?
Is this sparking an idea for your next project to support a local animal shelter, rescue mission, etc.? Apply now for the Difference Maker Fund program and let us help you boost your impact!