Use your Difference Maker Funds to instill a love of reading! Let your imagination soar as you consider how you might use your Difference Maker Fund to support literacy.
Members: Susan and Gordon Kremer, Cassville, WI
Project Titles: Building "Personal Libraries" for Young Readers and Partnership with Eckstein Memorial Library Christmas Book Give-Away
As a former teacher of 42 years, Susan loves to help instill a love of reading in young people. For her project, she worked with the Cassville Elementary and Montessori Schools to purchase and give students new books to begin or add to their personal libraries at home. Susan received thank you notes from the students, like this one from Violet, “Thank you for the book. I love the book. I’m reading it to my little brother and sister. They love it too.”
Gordon partnered with the Eckstein Memorial Library to purchase books that were gifted to 82 children by Santa Claus at the Christmas in Cassville event.
Member: Randy Wlaskolich, Milan, IL
Project Title: Little Free Library
Randy used his Difference Maker Funds to purchase books and supplies to make small educational activity kits for the Little Free Library at the Hennepin Canal State Parkway. Children visiting the canal with their families can read books or use the activity kits to keep busy while their parents are fishing.
Member: A Youth Member, Newaygo, MI
Project Title: Quiet Bags for Kids
This youth member created bags for kids who attend her church. The bags included books and other quiet items that children could look at during the church service. After service, the bags were returned so other children could borrow them the next week.
Member: A Youth Member, Moline, IL
Project Title: Make Your Own Book
For her project, this youth member purchased blank books, coloring pencils, and stickers for students to create their own books at her elementary school’s family reading night.