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2018 Nation of Neighbors

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Help YOUR Community Champion

There is only one thing as good as making a difference in your community – helping your community champion who goes above and beyond to inspire and make lives better. Royal Neighbors members have a unique opportunity to support local community champions by nominating them for a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment grant. 

Sewing together builds a community

Oct 4, 2018
Photo of Kadi Tubbs (nominator), Elizabeth Bunbury (grant recipient), Amy Jones, Royal Neighbors Director of Philanthropy, and Courtney Cline Erickson (Sewn Together Program Director)
Shown above, left to right, are Kadi Tubbs, nominator; Elizabeth Bunbury, Nation of Neighbors℠ grant recipient; Amy Jones, Royal Neighbors Director of Philanthropy; and Courtney Cline Erickson, Sewn Together Program Director.

Sewn Together, a 16-week program for low-income women, provides a unique way to build community and create a support network in the St. Petersburg, Florida, area. Founded by Elizabeth Bunbury, this course allows women to participate in sewing instruction; receive personal and business development guidance for self-sufficiency; and share a healthy meal each week. It also provides a strong support network among the sewing group members. Currently there are two locations with Spanish and Swahili translators for the 72 women completing the course each year.

The grant will help Sewn Together, a program of the Answered Prayers Project, address business and administrative elements that are crucial for reaching more women. “The Royal Neighbors grant allows us to make meaningful upgrades that will help our project continue to grow and flourish which is important,” said Elizabeth. “More importantly, we are creating a support network of like-minded organizations in order to focus our combined resources on social issues that are important to all of us.”

Nation of Neighbors℠, Royal Neighbors’ signature program to empower women, provides financial assistance to individuals who have a plan to start or expand a business, an organization or group that helps women and girls. Nearly $2 million has been awarded since 2007.

Form #: P00323 Rev. 10-2018
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Form #: P00339; Rev. 11-2019