Rock Island, Ill. (Oct 5, 2022) – Royal Neighbors has presented Milly Gonzales, Executive Director, HELP of Door County with a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment award and $10,000 grant. The award and grant presented to Ms. Gonzales is one of ten Royal Neighbors will present nationwide this fall.
Rock Island, Ill. (Oct. 3, 2022) – Royal Neighbors of America presented Sherry Stauffer, founder of DeWitt Community Hospital Foundation’s Pink for the Cure Committee, with a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment award and $10,000 grant.
Rock Island, Ill. (Sept. 22, 2022) – Royal Neighbors of America, a fraternal benefit society located in Rock Island, Ill. has announced a milestone achievement of 250,000 members nationwide.
Rock Island, Ill. (Sept. 19, 2022) – Lakeshia Gilbert, Founder and CEO at H.O.A.P., Inc. (Helping Our Adolescents Prosper), Grand Rapids, Mich., was presented with a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment award and $10,000 grant.
Rock Island, Ill. (Sept. 16, 2022) – Kimmy Chandler, Founder and President of FLUFF Animal Rescue in Seminole, Fl. was presented with a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment award and $10,000 grant. She is one of ten Royal Neighbors will present nationwide this fall.
Rock Island, Ill. (Sept. 12, 2022) – Royal Neighbors of America, a fraternal benefit society located in Rock Island, Ill. has presented Candace Riddick, owner of Truly Treasure, LLC. in St. Pauls, NC, with a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment award and $10,000 grant.