Rock Island, Ill. (April 13, 2023) – In an ever-changing world, Royal Neighbors of America is committed to this legacy and continues to develop new programs to inspire positive community impact through its membership.
Rock Island, Ill. (December 19, 2022) – Royal Neighbors of America, a fraternal benefit society located in Rock Island, Ill. has announced the appointment of Zarifa Reynolds as Royal Neighbors of America’s next CEO and President.
Rock Island, Ill. (December 8, 2022) – Royal Neighbors of America has announced the launch of RoyalConnect – a new program for members of Royal Neighbors of America.
Rock Island, Ill. (Nov. 18, 2022) – Royal Neighbors has presented Suzanne Akhras Sahloul, Founder and Director, Syrian Community Network (SCN), Chicago, with a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment award and $10,000 grant.
Rock Island, Ill. (Nov. 2, 2022) – Royal Neighbors presented Lydia Tate, Executive Director, Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC) of McLennan County with a Nation of Neighbors℠ empowerment award and $10,000 grant.